These days it seems like everyone has a water bottle within a 10 foot radius of themselves. From the gym to the shopping mall, so many people seem to be toting a water bottle it's almost like it's become a fashion accessory. Water companies seem to be doing a great job of mixing people's physiological needs with savvy marketing. As this resource, which is free and unlimited in most parts of the world, becomes more of a trend than a basic thirst quencher - researchers and scientists are bound to start challenging it's reputation.
I've always been a big promoter of drinking water and have always lived by the "8 glasses of water a day" rule. However, this rule has come under question by today's modern scientists, who now say the appropriate amount of water you drink depends on your size, diet, and body chemistry.
Either way, modern science will still tell you that drinking a good amount of water every day has its health benefits. For example, drinking water helps with metabolism, decreases fluid retention, prevents muscle dehydration which helps to tone muscles, helps ward off disease, and helps to rid the body of waste.
Although I'm constantly refilling my water bottle throughout the day, I never really know exactly how much water I'm drinking. That's why I was so excited when I came home recently and my husband surprised me with a new water bottle that fills exactly to 8 glasses of water (it's the little things that I appreciate :) ).
This bottle is called H20 On the Go and I love it! I fill it up once a day and know exactly when I've reached my water quota. It's not the most fashionable or sleek but it does the job. It's also BPA free! I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who's trying to make a habit of drinking more water - they're available at most large shopping centres or you can order online here.